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5 Easy Tips To Better Gardening In Planter Boxes

5 Easy Tips To Better Gardening In Planter Boxes

5 Easy Tips To Better Gardening In Planter Boxes

1. Choose The Appropriate Planter Box

As you take a look around your landscape, you might already have a few ideas in mind when it comes to the size, shape, and color of the planter boxes that you want to get.


When it comes to shape, choosing between circular, rectangular, or square planters all depends on how you want to arrange the planters in such a way that they complement your space. Drafting a layout of your planters is a good way to make sure that they won’t be a hindrance and will best complete your aesthetic.


Size also matters, particularly with regards to the types of plants that you’ll be putting in your planters. If you’re planning on planting trees in your planters, for example, you want to get larger planters that will give their roots enough room to grow and thrive.

Square planters that are 16×16 inches, for example, are perfectly suited to house either one large plant or a few smaller plants such as herbs and flowers.

In terms of your plant choice, you can be more flexible if you have planter boxes that are 40×40 inches, for example. The additional space allows you to freely mix and match a variety of flowers, herbs, and greens to create more variety and complexity in your display.


Most important of all when it comes to choosing the right planter, however, is the material. Modern planters are made of different types of materials, including: wood, metal, ceramic, concrete, and fiberglass. Each type of planter has its pros and cons in terms of durability, adaptability, and longevity.

Our recommendation for large planters is that you go with either wood or fiberglass, as these types of planters usually have very long lifespans and are better-suited to adapting to the changes in temperature and seasons. Wood and fiberglass are generally able to keep from breaking and cracking even under freezing and scorching temperatures. The breathability of their material is also helpful for the overall health of your plants.

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